1. What do you call a reptile detective? An investi-gator!
2. I tried to catch fog earlier. Mist.
3. I’m lizardly in love with you.
4. Don’t get your scales in a twist!
5. Crocodiles are always snappy dressers.
6. I’m feeling reptile dysfunction.
7. I’m not shore if this is a good idea.
8. What’s a snake’s favorite subject in school? Hiss-tory.
9. It’s a reptile-y good day.
10. What do you call a reptile that’s a criminal? A crook-odile.
11. Having a bad hair day? Just scale it back.
12. I iguana hold your hand.
13. I find reptiles so a-peeling!
14. Time flies when you’re having rum.
15. Stop dragon your feet!
16. Don’t be a hissterical reptile!
17. Reptiles make re-tailly good pets.
18. Feeling a little boa-red today.
19. He’s a real komodo-ian!
20. Don’t let the haters get under your skin.
21. See you later, alligator… after a while, crocodile!
22. Lizards are real scale models.
23. Let’s give them something to chirp about.
24. My love for reptiles is un-conditional.
25. What’s a reptile’s favorite drink? Gulp!
26. Don’t be a snake in the grass!
27. I’m reptile-ing for joy!
28. Turtley awesome!
29. It’s been a long week; I need to de-stress-ile.
30. What do you call a sad turtle? A melancholy shell.
31. I’m having a reptile-ty good time!
32. He’s got a real viper-sonality.
33. He really scales up the tension.
34. Having a reptile dysfunction.
35. What do you call a singing reptile? A rock iguana!
36. I’m shedding my worries.
37. He’s got real reptile-tition!
38. I am a little reptile-d out.
39. Don’t come hissing to me.
40. I’m trying to improve my re-tile value.
41. I’m not very fang-cy, I know.
42. My reptile jokes are egg-cellent.
43. What did the reptile say to the slow reptile? Keep up!
44. That reptile is a little cold-blooded.
45. He had a reptile dysfunction.
46. You’ve got to get that reptile of yours on a leash!
47. Let’s give him a reptile around the sun.
48. What do you call a reptile that works at a museum? A curator-todile!
49. This weather is un-frog-ettable!
50. I’m completely scaled for this.
51. That’s a reptile-ly interesting point.
52. Don’t be shell-fish, share the food!
53. Feeling a little croak-y today.
54. Everything is reptile-tive.
55. My job is reptile-itive.
56. I’m not shore.