1. I’m not cocky, I just know I’m a-hen-some.
2. Feeling fowl today.
3. I strut my stuff. It’s kind of my roost-ine.
4. Sunrise? Oh, that’s just my daily applause.
5. I’m eggs-traordinary, deal with it.
6. I’m talon-ted, what can I say?
7. Having a bad hair day? Feather get over it!
8. My puns are impeccable, they’re cluck-tastic!
9. Don’t chicken out on me, I’m hilarious.
10. I’m not just a pretty face, I’m also bird-brained.
11. I’m poultry in motion.
12. Sorry, I can’t help being cocky, it’s in my nature.
13. I’m all about that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble… wait, wrong song.
14. I’m the head of the pecking order, obviously.
15. You could say I’m a master of crow-medy.
16. I’m beak-ing out, I’m so fabulous.
17. I woke up like this: fabulous and ready to crow.
18. Life is short, make sure your comb is on point.
19. Don’t ruffle my feathers.
20. I’m not just an early bird, I’m the *earliest*.
21. My singing is fowl, but I own it.
22. I’m winging it, as always.
23. I’m the king of the roost, no contest.
24. This isn’t a phase, this is just my fowl personality.
25. Feeling cock-a-doodle-doo-zy today!
26. Call me Mr. Roosterrific.
27. My charisma is egg-cellent.
28. Don’t get your feathers in a twist.
29. I’m the epitome of fowl playfulness.
30. Keep calm and cock-a-doodle-doo.
31. I’m not lazy, I’m on chicken time.
32. Just a cocky rooster living my best life.
33. Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my fabulousness.
34. I’m hen-tastic.
35. I’m not conceited, I’m poultry-educated.
36. It’s all good in the coop.
37. I’m coop-er cool.
38. I’m just too claw-some.
39. What’s up, chick magnet? Oh wait, that’s me.
40. Let’s get this party clucking started!