50+ Blues Puns That Hit the Right Note

1. I’ve got the blues so bad, I’m seeing blue suede shoes.
2. Feeling blue? Try a blue raspberry smoothie.
3. My blues are so deep, they’re indigo.
4. I’m feeling blue, it’s a real blue moon.
5. These blues are making me see red.
6. My heart’s blue, my wallet’s blue, it’s a blue-collar blues.
7. I’m singing the blues, but at least my guitar’s in tune.
8. This bad luck has got me feeling blue as a Smurf.
9. Got the Monday blues, but at least it’s not Tuesday.
10. My blues are electric, like a blue guitar.
11. I’m so blue, I could cry a river of blue Gatorade.
12. These blues got me feeling blue-tiful, in a sad way.
13. My blues are a shade of blue I can’t even name.
14. Feeling blue? Time to paint the town blue!
15. I’m so blue, I need a blue light special.
16. These blues are making me feel blue-eyed.
17. Having a blue Christmas, but at least it’s festive.
18. My blues are a shade of blue that’s got me seeing double.
19. My dog’s got the blues, he’s a blue heeler.
20. I’m blue, but I’ll get over it… eventually.
21. These blues are a royal blue.
22. Got the post-holiday blues, that’s a real downer.
23. My blues are as deep as the ocean blue.
24. Feeling blue? Time for a blue cheese dressing.
25. My blues are so bad, they’re cerulean.
26. My heart is blue, my socks are blue, I’m in a complete blue mood.
27. The blues had me feeling blue-tiful and broken-hearted.
28. I’m drowning in my blues.
29. These blues are making me wish I could fly away, like a bluebird.
30. I’m blue, but I’m trying to stay positive, which is a blue-tiful challenge.
31. My blues are a vibrant shade of cobalt.
32. I’m singing the blues… in a minor key.
33. I’m feeling blue; even the sky seems to agree.
34. Got the Monday blues… again.
35. These blues are so intense, they’re almost ultraviolet.
36. My blues are as classic as a blue jean jacket.
37. I’m so blue, I’m practically blue-tiful.
38. I’ve got the blues so bad, I’m seeing blue elephants.
39. Feeling blue? A blue ribbon might cheer you up.
40. My blues are a shade of blue only a sad artist could conceive.
41. My blues are a denim-colored shade of sadness.
42. These blues have me feeling as blue as a blueberry.
43. My blues are a deep, dark midnight blue.
44. I’m so blue, I’m feeling the blue funk.
45. These blues are making me blue-nder my mistakes.
46. I’m feeling so blue, I need a blue-tiful escape.
47. My blues are a shade of blue that rhymes with “shoe”.
48. These blues are making me want to wear all blue.
49. I’m feeling blue, but at least I’m not feeling green.
50. I’ve got the blues, and they’re a real blue murder.
51. My blues are as deep as a blue whale’s song.
52. My blues are a true sapphire blue.
53. These blues have got me singing the blues.
54. I’m having a blue day but hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
55. My blues are as timeless as blue jeans.

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