50+ Bro Name Puns That Are Hilarious

1. Bartholomew: Bart-ender
2. Chad: Chad-illac
3. Steve: Steverine
4. Dave: Da-vinci Code
5. Greg: Gregarious
6. Mark: Mark-eting genius
7. Kevin: Ke-win-er
8. Mike: Microphone
9. John: Johnny-on-the-spot
10. Paul: Paul-erful
11. Tom: Tom-foolery
12. Chris: Chris-mas came early
13. Matt: Matt-ress King
14. Brian: Brain-storm
15. David: Da-vid-ly
16. Jason: Jason-bourne identity
17. Andrew: An-drew-some
18. Daniel: Dan-gerously handsome
19. Peter: Pe-ter-rific
20. William: Will-power
21. James: James-Bond
22. Robert: Ro-bert-ly awesome
23. Michael: Mi-chael-angelo
24. Richard: Rich-ard-ly blessed
25. Joseph: Jo-seph-ine’s favorite
26. Charles: Charl-eston dance moves
27. Anthony: An-thony-the-lion
28. Matthew: Matt-er of fact
29. Joshua: Josh-ing you
30. Christopher: Chris-p as a biscuit
31. Samuel: Sam-urai warrior
32. Benjamin: Ben-jamin Franklin
33. Nicholas: Nick-of-time
34. Edward: Ed-ward Scissorhands
35. Patrick: Pat-on-the-back
36. Ryan: Ryan-ing for success
37. Dylan: Dy-lan-mite
38. Brandon: Bran-don’t care
39. Justin: Jus-tin-time
40. Ethan: Eth-an-the-man
41. Jacob: Ja-cob-berwocky
42. Austin: Aus-tin-powers
43. Zachary: Zach-attack
44. Alex: Alex-ander the Great
45. Hunter: Hunter-gatherer
46. Tyler: Ty-ler-ific
47. Noah: No-ah-brainer
48. Caleb: Cale-brate
49. Elijah: Eli-jah-vate
50. Isaiah: Isa-iah-mazing
51. Owen: Owen-er of awesomeness
52. Lucas: Lu-cas-y
53. Henry: Hen-ry-etta’s brother
54. Isaac: I-saac-tually awesome
55. Sebastian: Seb-astian-bly cool

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