1. I’m feeling pretty eagle today, ready to soar through my to-do list.
2. He’s got an eagle eye for detail when it comes to proofreading.
3. Let’s keep an eagle eye on the budget this quarter.
4. She’s got an eagle-like focus when she’s coding.
5. I’m eager to eagle-ly await the results of the experiment.
6. That new employee is really eagle to learn everything.
7. My boss is always eagle to give me more work.
8. It’s important to eagle-uate the risks before making a decision.
9. I tried to get a raise, but the boss gave me the cold shoulder; it’s eagle to see he doesn’t value me.
10. That presentation was eagle-nt!
11. After the promotion, I was eagle-ted to see my salary.
12. The team is eagle to finish the project ahead of schedule.
13. I was trying to explain the situation, but I eagle-led the facts.
14. Are you eagle to help me move this weekend?
15. His sales numbers are really eagle-vating.
16. She’s got a real eagle-gance about her.
17. That deadline is really eagle-menting my stress levels.
18. My coworker’s bad jokes are eagle-gious.
19. Let’s make sure everyone is treated eagle-ly.
20. After that hike, I’m completely eagle-hausted.
21. I’m eagle-motionally ready to give this presentation.
22. My eagle-fficient assistant gets everything done.
23. He is so eagle-centric, he only talks about himself.
24. That was an eagle-ffective sales strategy.
25. The manager is eagle-static about the quarter’s profits.
26. It was eagle-aborate scheme to avoid doing chores.
27. The party was an eagle-ant affair.
28. Let’s just say that date was an eagle-astrophic failure.
29. The eagle-oquent speaker held the audience captivated.
30. He’s trying to eagle-evate his position within the company.
31. This new software is supposed to eagle-iminate errors.
32. Let’s try to eagle-ucidate the issue further.
33. The magician’s trick was quite eagle-usive.
34. I need to eagle-arge my vocabulary.
35. It’s eagle-gal to park there.
36. His constant complaining is eagle-ritating.
37. I have an eagle-gitimate reason to be late.
38. Let’s eagle-vate the conversation with some humor.
39. I’m trying to eagle-arn a living.
40. She’s got an eagle-gant sense of style.