40+ French Food Puns That Are Très Délicieux

1. I’ve got a baguette this party!
2. Having a croissant time.
3. Don’t be a fondue fool.
4. Life is short, eat dessert first. (While not strictly a food pun, it’s relevant to French desserts)
5. Omelette you believe it?
6. I’m feeling saucy.
7. Having a brie-lliant day.
8. That’s a-maize-ing quiche!
9. Let’s get this bread.
10. I’m feeling crêpe-tastic!
11. I’m feeling a little chèvre-ish.
12. I’ve got a serious case of the munchies.
13. I’m on cloud nine, eating a macaron.
14. I’m soufflé-y in love.
15. This wine is so divine.
16. I’m having a wine-derful time.
17. Let’s get this party started, let’s eat!
18. I’m feeling very ratatouille-ous today.
19. This is the crème de la crème.
20. You had me at “bonjour” and “pain au chocolat”.
21. I’m in a pickle, need more cornichons!
22. This steak is *très* good.
23. I’m having a *fromage*-able day.
24. Time to wine down.
25. This pastry is so tarte-ific!
26. Having a *patisserie*-perfect day!
27. Feeling a little *éclair*-ant.
28. This is *gateau*-lly delicious!
29. Don’t be such a *pain* au chocolat.
30. I *love* you a latte. (While not strictly French, coffee is consumed there).
31. That’s a *tartine*-ly good sandwich.
32. Let’s *confit* our time together.
33. *Escargot*-astic!
34. Don’t be a *boule*head!
35. I’m *soupe*-r happy to see you.
36. This salad is *légume*-ly good!
37. I’m *en salade* today.
38. This meal is *hors d’oeuvre*-whelming.
39. Having a *merveilleux* time.
40. Let’s have a *jolie* meal.
41. This is a *delice*!
42. I’m feeling *gourmand*.
43. *Bon appétit* everyone! (While not a pun, it’s festive)
44. This is *magnifique*!

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