Okay, here are 55 historically-themed puns for your enjoyment:
1. I found Egypt to be quite Pyramiding.
2. Don’t get Tsar-castic with me!
3. Lettuce celebrate Caesar’s victory!
4. Waterloo didn’t float Napoleon’s boat.
5. That’s the long and short of the Hundred Years War.
6. I have really mixed feelings on the Roman Empire, some good, some gladiator.
7. The Renaissance was a work of art.
8. Don’t have a Roman numeral breakdown.
9. I’m Russian to get this done.
10. The Dark Ages were a little gothic.
11. Stop Stalin, and get to work!
12. William the Conqueror really Norman-ated the competition.
13. The Boston Tea Party was quite the brew-haha.
14. The Magna Carta was a sign of charter improvement.
15. It’s all Greek to me.
16. Have you Herod about the new king?
17. Don’t be so Constantinople.
18. I’m Viking a chance on this one.
19. That’s a load of bull, Moctezuma.
20. Have you heard of the Great Depression? I have. It’s the reason I’m so poor.
21. World War I was a trench-dous event.
22. I’m feeling quite Qing-ky today.
23. Don’t be so Mao-dy.
24. Cleopatra was queen of de Nile.
25. Looks like the Middle Ages are knight for me.
26. The Reformation was a splitting image.
27. I have a Napoleon complex, but it’s not short.
28. It’s good to be the Mughal.
29. World War II was Nazi-ce to everyone.
30. That’s the story of my Lai life.
31. The Ottoman Empire was quite the chair-ismatic bunch.
32. Stop Inca-sing me about my historical knowledge.
33. Don’t be so feudal!
34. I think the French Revolution was a guillotine idea.
35. Hitler was a terrible Fuhrer.
36. Don’t be so Mayan-dless.
37. I’m getting tired of all this dynas-tea.
38. The Cold War was a chilly conflict.
39. I’m just winging it, Wright Brothers style.
40. The British Empire was quite a spread.
41. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were burning Nero like it was.
42. Have you heard about the time-traveling historian? He lived in sin-chronicity.
43. Don’t be so Abrahams-ive!
44. Stone Age to be precise, this is rock solid information.
45. This is Tudor-ly awesome!
46. I’m Tudor-done with history.
47. It’s a long story from the beginning until Medici today.
48. I can’t help but Khan-fess my love for history.
49. I’ve got Viking-sized problems.
50. I’m positive that is a Tudor fact.
51. I’m Inca-pable of understanding history.
52. This is a knight-ly tale.
53. This information is as solid as Plymouth Rock.
54. Is it just me or is history full of monumental events?
55. I’ve got a bad case of the Mondays…I mean Manchu-days.