60 House Puns to Make Your Home Laugh

1. Home is where the haunt is.

2. I’m floored by your hospitality.

3. Let’s raise the roof! (But not literally, please.)

4. I find these home improvement shows quite riveting.

5. Having guests over always puts me on edge.

6. My house is a pane in the glass sometimes.

7. Don’t be a doormat.

8. I’m trying to stay grounded around the house.

9. I woodn’t want to live anywhere else.

10. Home sweet haunted home (during October).

11. This house has good bones.

12. I’m always up for a house party.

13. Keep the change! (Under the sofa cushions).

14. Time to iron out some household problems.

15. I’m feeling quite tile-d.

16. Life is short, decorate your home.

17. My house is my castle.

18. Let’s not get carried away with renovations.

19. Feeling roofless after that storm.

20. I’m drawing a blank with this interior design.

21. This house needs a little TLC.

22. My house plants are unbe-leaf-able.

23. Home is where I can recharge.

24. My house is a work in progress.

25. I’m always game for a housewarming.

26. This old house is full of stories.

27. Don’t take your house for granite.

28. I’m in a good place in my house.

29. This house is a real fixer-upper.

30. I’m home alone, singing on the top of my lungs.

31. I’m so excited about our new addition!

32. Don’t leave me hanging (the pictures).

33. I’m having a ball at the house party.

34. Let’s paint the town (or just the house).

35. Home is where my story begins.

36. The house is always right.

37. I need to brush up on my cleaning skills.

38. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty.

39. This house has some serious character.

40. I’m making my house a home.

41. You could say I’m house proud.

42. Don’t block the doorway to success!

43. I’m really digging this new garden.

44. The key to happiness is a clean house.

45. You can’t spell “home” without “me.”

46. My house is always open to good company.

47. I’m always home for the holidays.

48. I’m really attached to my house.

49. Let’s build some memories in this house.

50. I’m shuttering at the thought of moving.

51. My home is my happy place.

52. I’ve got some pressing matters to attend to, like ironing.

53. I’m having a hard time adjusting to the new thermostat.

54. This house definitely sparks joy.

55. It’s time to clear the air (freshener).

56. I’m pane-stakingly cleaning the windows.
57. I’m swept away by this new broom.

58. I’m a homebody by design.

59. My walls are talking to me, and they need a new coat of paint.

60. This house is very a-peel-ing.

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